Thursday, June 21, 2012

Well, the veggie gardens kaput But, I have a wildflower!

The reason it's been so long since I wrote here is because simply we have failed yet again to keep the darn grass out of our garden. :o/ I KNOW all the things we needed to do but, since we didn't have the cash for all that we were hoping some good old fashioned elbow grease and time would suffice. Lesson learned. It doesn't

Although the corn is growing beautifully the grass around it is thriving just as well. We did randomly throw the left over seeds in a circle pit we have and the pumpkins corn & onions are doing pretty well there. But, I have no hope for them because of how much room they will need once they really start going.

But, with all that bad news comes some good. My wild flowers are finally starting to sprout!! And the rose bush that someone chopped down (WTF?) has new flowers too :o)

Here some pictures to enjoy!

My first wildflower growing

Another Wildflower

This rose bush was HUGE until someone cut it down :o(

Pumpkins corn & onions growing in the gravel pit that once was a fire pit!