Sunday, July 8, 2012

Jasmine & wildflowers

So last year for Valentines day Dustin bought me a vining Jasmine plant and I wanted to eventually get it planted next to our fence in the front so that it could vine along its way. Of course my green thumb is still learning and I thought I had killed it when I transplanted it a few weeks after receiving it.

This is what it look liked when I first got it
Stock photo not my actual plant

It wasn't long until the leaves all dried out turned brown and the flowers all wilted and fell off.
But, something happened this last few months I found new vines growing!! 

Now I don't know if transplanting it again will hurt it again I tried to be a lot more careful with it this time and used root stimulator and will be giving it plenty of TLC along the next few weeks to boosts it growth. 

So here is some pictures of what I have left of my plant and some more pictures of wildflowers that have grown along my fence line! 

Start the the longer vine up the post

This is the base of my Jasmine plant

One of the first variety of  Wildflowers I saw blooming

Found out this is a Silene
I love them :o)

New flower appeared!

This one is also new.


  1. the plant will be just my lilac tree everyone said was dead & i shld toss's as tall as the garage now...

  2. Wow, you have some really pretty and awesome wildflowers!!!! I can't wait to have a yard too! =)

